Tryouts (Mites - Midgets)
Tryouts for 2025-2026 season (Mites - Midgets)
Evaluations will be conducted by Solid State Hockey
If you intend to tryout for an Alternate position, please make in known before hand.
Mites 8U - 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Squirts 10U - 2015, 2016
Peewee 12U - 2013, 2014
Bantam 14U - 2011, 2012
Midgets 18U - 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Tryouts will be held the week of March 17th 2025
- 8U Mites 6pm - 3/17 & 3/19
- 10U Squirt 6pm - 3/18 & 3/20
- 12U Peewee 7:10pm - 3/18 & 3/20
- 14U Bantam 7:10pm - 3/17 & 3/19
- 18U Midgets 8:20pm - 3/17 & 3/19
Tryouts will be held at Methuen High School.
- Mite through Midget - $100
- Free to tryout
Tryout fees are non-refundable
All players must have full set of equipment and stick for tryouts.
If you are trying out as a goalie you must provide your own equipment.
Any questions please reach out any of our Board Members.
We ask that each skater/goalie attend at least one of the tryout sessions but attendance at both sessions is suggested for best evaluation of each skater/goalie.
If you do not attend either tryout session your skater/goalie will be placed on the lowest team.
If you have extenuating circumstances and cannot attend tryouts, please reach out to a MYHA Board Member ahead of time.
2025-2026 Tryouts
Registration is now open to try out for the MYHA 2025 - 2026 season. Tryout fee is due at time of registration for all levels. This fee is deducted from 2025 -2026 season fee once placement is accepted.